
知合2024-09-11 10:5964 阅读2 赞


1. Family Reunion 2. Have a Reunion Dinner or Feast 3. Set Off Fireworks or Firecrackers 4. Dragon and Lion Dance 5. Admire the Lighted Lanterns 6. Spring Festival Gala 7. Television Party 8. Online Lantern Riddles These activities, both traditional and modern, are all aimed at。



春节的传统活动有哪些英语写1 1、touch off the firecracker 放鞭炮 例句:Many people would touch off firecrackers at New Year.许多中国人在新年时放鞭炮 2、post new years scrolls 贴春联 例句:We will put up posters on their doors and walls.我们将在门上和墙上贴春联。3、New Years M。



春节活动的英文表达有:Spring Festival activities。详细解释如下:春节活动是指在中国春节期间所举办的一系列庆祝活动。春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一,有着丰富多彩的习俗和活动。这些活动不仅在中国国内受到广泛关注,也逐渐吸引了来自世界各地的游客参与体验。在英语中,这些庆祝活动的总称可以用“Spr。



The spring festival activities have red hair, fair.春节的活动有发红包、狂庙会 The spring festival activities have red hair, fair.


中国春节的风俗有:1、腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子,这日是约定俗成的扫除日。On the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, dusting and sweeping the house is a customary cleaning day.2、腊月二十六,杀猪割年肉,人们只在一年一度的年节中才能吃到肉。On the 26th day of the twelfth lunar 。


Chinese Lunar New Year as Spring festival gets following customs 1. Always saying lucky words to others.2. Giving long life wishes to parents and elders.3. Presenting red envelopes of money to essential people.4. Don't break anything.5. Don't keep angry 6. Burn 。


春节的风俗英文对照中文如下:1、腊月二十四:扫舍去尘 Families undertake thorough house cleaning on the 24th day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, sweeping out the old in preparation for the coming year.农历腊月二十四日,各家各户会进行大扫除扫舍去尘,预示着除旧迎新。2、腊月。


守岁是中国民间在除夕的习俗,又称照虚耗、熬年、熬夜。指在除夕夜一家人团聚,熬夜迎接农历新年的到来。除夕守岁是最重要的年俗活动之一,守岁之俗由来已久。Shousui is a Chinese folk custom on New Year's Eve,also known as spending time, staying up late,or staying up late.It refers to。


The Spring Festival, the Chinese new year, is the most important festival for all.春节,中国的新年,是所有人最重要的节日。On New Year's Eve, all family members get together for a big meal.除夕之夜,所有的家庭成员聚在一起吃一顿大餐。At the same time, everyone celebrates each 。

中国春节的习俗英文版急急急!!!要短一点的 带翻译和题目

good wishes to each other.(拜年是春节里的一项重要活动,是人们相互表达美好祝愿的一种方式。)Visit relatives to see friends, each other, New Year greetings, say some congratulations, happy New Year, and so on.(走亲戚看朋友,相互拜年,道贺祝福,说些恭贺新喜、过年好等话。)。

